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Lucy Caldwell Memorial Fund:

(1)   This program was initiated in 1978 with monies donated to the Association by the late Mrs. Lucy Caldwell.  The monies represented revenue generated by Mrs. Caldwell from sales of her book, "Sin One Way -- Economy Class," which recounted her experience as a volunteer worker in Marine Corps tactical areas of operation in the Republic of Vietnam.  It is funded to assist ALL Marine Corps veterans of Vietnam service with emergency, and limited, financial aid.

(2)   Eligibility: To qualify for financial assistance from the Lucy Caldwell Fund, the requesting individual must be a veteran of Marine Corps service in the Republic of Vietnam.  This requirement was placed on the fund management by Mrs. Caldwell personally when the monies were donated to the Association.  Requirements for fund assistance, as stated by Mrs. Caldwell, are that it should be used as a "one" time financial source available to Marine Corps Vietnam veterans who, with such assistance, the requesting veteran can resolve a personal financial problem with a little bit of help."  Such financial assistance may include such things as payment of the requesting veteran's reasonable rent for a month to prevent him being dispossessed; payment of a reasonable automobile repair bill, the repairs which will allow the veteran to keep or obtain employment requiring transportation; payment of limited food bills for a veteran and his family, particularly where children are involved, for a short period of time while the veteran is between jobs or being processed by the Veterans Administration for a disability rating, etc., etc.

(3)   Procedure:

  • (a)   When an apparently eligible veteran, as outlined above, is identified, either by the individual veteran himself applying for assistance or by such veteran being proposed for assistance by an Association member familiar with the veteran's "needy" circumstances, the Committee Chairman is to be informed of the exact circumstances of the "needy" veteran's situation in detail.  If the request for assistance is presented by a trustworthy Association member, the Chairman must then contact at least one other member of the committee by the most expeditious means possible and present a recommended award amount to that member for his concurrence.  If that member concurs, no further committee action on the award amount determination is required.  If there is no agreement between the Chairman and the committee member, a third committee member must be contacted, and an award amount determined by majority vote.
  • b)   In situations where the request is made by the "needy" veteran himself, and proof of the true need other than information and/or supporting materials is required, the Chairman is authorized to contact either a member of the committee who lives near the requesting veteran, or any other reliable Association member living in proximity to the requesting veteran, and request personal (eyeball-to-eyeball if possible) contact be made and the facts of the situation and circumstances be determined.  The contacted member should, if at all possible, interview the requesting veteran personally to determine the validity of the need presented.  Upon such verification, or lack thereof if that be the case, the member in the field should immediately inform the Committee Chairman of the situation and its urgency or lack thereof.
  • (c)   Upon determination that an award is merited in a specific case, the Committee Chairman will immediately contact the Association Manager, Secretary or Treasurer, and request that a check in the predetermined amount be drawn in the name of the awardee from the Lucy Caldwell Fund account.  If the need is critical, he should request the check be immediately forwarded to the veteran to whom the help is being given, and the Committee Chairman should send a letter of explanation.  If the need is not critical, he should request the check be sent to him for forwarding with the explanatory letter.
  • (d)   Speed in response is essential in proper operation of Lucy Caldwell Fund assistance.  The fund was established by Mrs. Caldwell to give immediate assistance where a small financial grant could be vitally important to the veteran recipient.
  • (e)   Lucy Caldwell Fund awards are usually "one-time" awards, to assist during that "one-time" critical financial difficulty.  However, at the discretion of the Committee Chairman and where it is believed that a second grant of money is truly needed, an exception may be made.  Award amounts are usually limited to a maximum of $500.00, but only in the amount proven as true need.  However, as in the case of the number of awards that may be made, if, in the opinion of the committee, a greater amount is required to properly assist the needy veteran, either the "cap" amount may be waived or a second award may be made.

(4)   Exceptional care should be taken in the administration of both the Care Of Our Own Life Member Program and the Lucy Caldwell Fund Program, with particular attention paid to the true eligibility for either award.  Experience has shown that there are individuals who seemingly qualify for one or the other of the programs who would take undue and irresponsible advantage of the availability of the programs.

(5)   At the Association's Annual Reunion, the Committee Chairman shall present a detailed written report of the committee's operations for the past year to the Association Board of Directors and the Association Membership.  That written report may be condensed for oral presentation.  The Committee Chairman shall also present a report of committee actions at the Association's Midwinter Board of Directors Meeting, as required.  The Committee Chairman should be available at any time to offer assistance and information concerning the Humanitarian Programs Committee responsibilities to any Association member.

The 3rd Marine Division Association

The 3rd Marine Division Association