Once again, our Third Marine Division Association will honor outstanding students of Association family members with important college and university scholarship grants for the coming 2019 - 2020 academic year. The grants are funded mostly by the unselfish donations to our scholarship fund each year by members of the Association.
Memorial Scholarship Fund Trustees - headed by Steven Johnson - administer this far reaching scholarship program which was established in 1969 to honor the loss in Vietnam on 14 Nov. 1967 of 3MD Commanding Officer Major General Bruno A. Hockmuth at age fifty-seven. The first award was presented in 1973. As of the 2019 - 2020 school year, 812 scholarship awards of more than $675,000 have been presented to deserving students based solely on financial need.
These awards include the LtCol Jones award, given each year to the student with the greatest financial need. There have been 11 awards totaling $15,600 since commencing in the 2008 -2009 school year. The family of LtCol Richard "Dick" E. Jones USMC generously funds this award. He was one of the earliest and longest serving members of the Memorial Scholarship Fund's Board of Trustees, first appointed in 1978 and was a member until 2005 when serious medical problems forced his resignation from the Board. He is remembered not only for his untiring performance and dedication to the MSF students but also for his service to his community, country, and the Marine Corps in WW II, Korea, and Vietnam. LtCol Jones passed away in 2007 and is interred in the Arlington National Cemetery VA.
The following students will be honored with scholarship awards for the coming academic year:
- Tasha N. Kolodzinski - sponsored by Paul E. Peterson, Great Grandfather, Life Member
School: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Parents: Timothy and Tanya Renhorst
- Madison Voecks - sponsored by Annette Loper, Grandparent, Life Member
School: U. of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Parents: Beth and Dennis Voecks
- Mary L. Hartges - sponsored by Craig Hartges, Father, Life Member
School: Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH Parents: Craig and Penny Hartges
- Jean-Luc Kiser - sponsored by Hague M. Kiser, Grandfather, Life Member
School: Washington State University Parents: Jeffrey and Brenda Kiser
- Jonathan J. Kelley - sponsored by Raymond Kelly Jr., Grandfather, Life Member
School: Appalachian State University, Boone, NC Parents: Raymond III and Katie Kelley
- Riley C. Rancourt - sponsored by Edward J. Grenke, Grandfather, Annual Member
School: Salve Regina University, Newport, RI Parents: Gino and Susan Rancourt
- Cameron C. Rancourt - Sponsored by Edward J. Grenke, Grandfather, Annual Member
School: U. of Rhode Island Parents: Gino and Susan Rancourt
- Alyssa R. Gillman - sponsored by Richard Monroe, Grandfather, Life Member
School: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI Parent: Amanda Monroe
- Cole Troianiello - sponsored by Nicholas Troianiello, Grandfather, Life Member
School: East Stroudsburg University, PA Parents: Michelle and Christopher Troianiello
- Anna D. Keller - sponsored by Denis W. Retoske Sr., Grandfather, Life Member
Awarded the LtCol "Dick" Jones Memorial Award School: St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN Parents: Ryan and Jennifer Keller
On behalf of the Third Marine Division Association, the Memorial Scholarship Fund Trustees extend congratulations to our college honorees - and their proud families - for the excellence and sheer hard work of our students reflected in these splendid awards. Well done to all.
Now the exacting work of keeping this remarkable scholarship program vital requires the continued financial support of our members. Please send a check to keep the program going to Third Marine Division Association, PO Box 466, Lisbon, Ohio 44432 or use PayPal on the Association website Caltrap.org.
Applications for the 2020 - 2021 academic year scholarships will be available on the Assn website in December.