If you have an old photo or two of your time with the Division and would like to have it posted on our web, send me a JPEG or GIF image of it via email and I will try to add it to the site. I need info about the picture as well . i.e. names, dates, where, etc. Please note that there is a limited amount of space and not all images can be posted. Send me your images and/or comments to the webmaster.
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General Bruno Hocmuth presents Wayne "Willie" Willison with a Purple Heart while on the USS Repose Hospital Ship.
Wayne was with Echo 2/9 and was wounded on May 14, 1967 while on Operation Hickory in Vietnam.
Submitted by: Wayne "Willie" Willison
Cpl. William V. Sage Mortar Battery, 2ndBn 12th Marines BLT 1/3 August 1967 Operation Beacon Gate Southeast of Hoi An, RVN
Submitted by: William V. Sage
Andrew (Andy) Stephen Spooner (second from the right with the cigarette) and buddys on Guadalcanal.
Submitted by his son Michael Spooner |
Photo of my friend Jim Huff sitting on the beach at Iwo in front of Mt.
Suribachi at the 60th Anniversary Reunion in March of 2005. Jim landed
on Iwo with I Company 3rd Battalion 21st Regiment 3rd Marine Division
and was wounded in March during the battle somewhere near the 3rd
Photo of Iwo vets gathered around the 3rd and 4th Marine Division
Cemetary Monument on Iwo during the 60th Anniversary Reunion.
Submitted by: Kathy O'Barr
Otis Alexander Ward
Killed in action on 8 Mar 1944, on Iwo Jima. He served with Co. B, 1st Bn, 21st Marines, 3rd Division. He was a house painter from Pine Bluff, AR., and age 23 at the time of his death.
Does anyone remember Otis?
Submitted by his niece Judy Hillman
Kenneth R. Blacketer
Kenneth R. Blacketer was with Co. K., 3rd Bn., 9th Marines. He served on Bougainville, Guam, and Iwo Jima. His was from Siletz, Oregon. He was 1/2 native american and 1/2 Irish, but he looked pure Irish. He was discharged as a Corporal.
I don't know which island this was taken on. My father died in 1990. Submitted by his son Ray Blacketer |
J.R. Powers with Lt.Gen. Vandergriff
Lt.Gen. Vandergriff presents service medal to John R. Powers on Guam after Iwo Jima Campaign 1945
Note the Caltrap on John's shoulder. submitted by J. Powers |
E CO. 2/3 Guam
This photo was submitted by Lawrence Osman,
son of George W. Osman, who served as BAR man
with 2/3 Marines on Guam and Bougainville |
Leonard Kramer
This photo of Leonard Kramer was submitted by his son, Matthew. |
Plt 512 Class of 1942 - San Diego
The men identified in this photo are:
Hardy Turner- Winkelman, Ariz.
Bill Wilcox- Phoenix, Ariz
William Bliesatto (?)- Waukesha, Wis
James Morris -Phoenix, Ariz
Stave Milich- Albuqurque, N. Mex
John McWilliams- Milwaukee, Wis
David Shaw- Petaluma, Ca
Clarence Chiago- Mesa, Ariz
Thomas North- Milwaukee, Wis
Burl Burlingame- Milwaukee, Wis
Steve Medigovich- Bisbee, Ariz
Rex Crandall- Litchfield Park, Ariz
Bill Byfield (?)- San Diego, Ca.
Merritt Daniel- Redding, Ca.
Guam 1944
This is a photo taken during the liberation of Guam, 1944. A tram
system was constructed to transport wounded down from Fonte Ridge (Nimitz Plateau-now). My
father, Corporal George F. O'Brien-USMCR, (holding onto the rope with his left hand),
served with HqCo,1stBn,21stMar(Rein),FMF from September 1942 to November 1945. He
participated in the battles of Bougainville, Guam, and Iwo Jima. Maybe someone may be able
to identify the others in the photo.
Thanks, Jim O'Brien |
Emmett W Queen B-1-3 Wpns Plt (Guns) Sept 1965
Emmett was originally with K-3-5 1st Mar Div from Jan
65 till July 65 when the Battalion left for Okinawa By Ship (USS Mitchell). Upon arrival
on The island Of Okinawa changed it's designation to B-1-3. Emmett served as a M-60 Gunner
with B Company in Vietnam from Oct, 1965 till March of 1966, When after operation Orange,
and the losses which the company incurred, most of the L/cpl's and below went to D-1-3,
and B-1-3 was reformed with new members. Emmett was wounded twice. First Time was during
Operation Orange April 5th 1966 (Left leg), and again a couple Months Later.
Retuned Home to CONUS Oct, 1966, Shortly after Operation Hastings, and was again with Wpns
Plt H-2-27 5th Mar Div. Emmett stayed in the Corps until Nov, 1969 when Discharged, as a Sgt, having served in the
Corps for 5 years. Emmett Queen |